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What Is The Bible Comprised Of?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15

The Bible is a book of books. Yet, these multiple "books" form a single book and resource for our study and edification. It has been said that 40 different men wrote over a period of 1600 years. Obviously, they could not all have been alive at the same time, and therefore could not have consulted with one another about the things they were writing. Yet they all agreed perfectly in all the things they wrote over this long period of time. Think of how often "we say one thing one day and the very opposite the next day". But this is not true about the writers of the Bible because while each writer wrote from his own point of view and used his own particular expressions, they all agree in everything the wrote through the power of God the Holy Spirit.
Not only were there multiple authors of the Bible, but among them were many different kinds of men who held various occupations and positions. Few were scholars in the modern sense of the word, so you don't have to be fearful that what they wrote is going to be too difficult for us to understand! Men like Amos come to mind when I think about average, everyday people who God chose to reveal His dealings with mankind to. As an example, the Bible tells us that Amos was a shepherd from Tekoa. Ruth, a young widow, was a Moabite and daughter-in-law of Naomi who would marry Boaz the "near kinsman" who could legally redeem her. Interestingly, hundreds of years later we would read in the book of Matthew of how Ruth would be mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ! God used the martial problems of Hosea to teach him about God's love for Israel. Indeed, there were many classes of people from all areas of society including others such as: Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah.
Among the writers and recorders of the New Testament included the despised tax agent Matthew; Peter, James and John-----fishermen by trade. The apostle Paul, who went from a maniacal, murdering, Pharisee to being ordained by Jesus Christ as the chief revelator of the mystery; a distinct and unique message of grace and hope to the world....and he was a tentmaker in his spare time to fund his ministry!


The Apocrypha, as part of the original 1611 King James bible suite has many wonderful books whether people choose to believe they are inspired or not. The Book of Enoch, The Wisdom of Solomon, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon to name a few are absolutely tremendous. Why is it that we will read modern-day psychobabble, as long as it is "Christian" (or so it says), without giving it a second thought, yet we have all been scared aware from the Apocrypha?

Many men, with many differing backgrounds, in between many years had and have one thing in common----all of their writings agree. There must be something behind such remarkable unity friends and it is not something or someone, it is God Himself. Though there were indeed many men who wrote about the biblical accounts we have today, in a sense there is really only One Author and that is God friends. God wrote and planned His Word and he knows everything past, present and future as well. It's because there is one outstanding theme of which its foundation rests upon and that theme is Our Lord Jesus Christ!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. - John 1:1-5

Friends, we live in a time where our liberty and freedom is eroding away due to the failure of mankind and his estrangement from God. There is no favored nation as God has shed His grace and peace to the entire world as a result of what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished at Calvary, enabling anyone to accept His free gift of righteousness in order to live with God The Father forever. We do not know how long we will be able to even maintain a bible whether that be physically or digitally. I tell you this because despite all of the source information we have on the origination of the bible, Jesus Christ is The Word and His word will never be destroyed.


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